Several trends that buoyed underwriting last year, such as banks'rush to raise capital and the boom in bond issuance as companies refinanced at low rates, have fizzled. 去年,各大银行纷纷募资提高资本充足率,其他公司也趁着低利率进行债务融资,债券发行大行其道,这波融资浪潮使得去年承销业绩水涨船高,不过融资潮水现已退却。
Under the leadership of Tad Montross, General Re had an outstanding underwriting year in2009, while also delivering us unusually large amounts of float per dollar of premium volume. 泰德-蒙特罗斯(TadMontross)领导下的GeneralRe在2009年完成了突出的承保盈利业绩,并且为我们提供了罕有的大笔流动资金。
The spike in underwriting fees, which touched a record low in the first quarter of this year, will boost profits of banks 'securities units at a time when they have been hit by the slump in lucrative markets such as securitisations and mergers. 在证券化和并购等高利润市场的滑坡对银行证券部门造成冲击之际,承销费的激增将提振各银行证券部门的盈利。今年第一季度,承销费创历史新低。